Our strong system of pastoral care allows us to identify concerns quickly and rectify problems before they escalate.
If you have a concern of any sort you are asked, in the first instance, to contact your child’s teacher or tutor who will be able to help with most issues. This is possible through email or by contacting Reception to arrange a convenient time to speak.
A full staff list is available on the website at www.leweston.co.uk/why-leweston/about-us/staff/
All staff can be emailed directly using the format: surnameinitial@leweston.dorset.sch.uk.
Exceptions to this rule are the Well Being Hub: wellbeinghub@leweston.dorset.sch.uk, the Bursar, Lieutenant Colonel Scott-Masson: scottmp@leweston.dorset.sch.uk, the Director of Boarding, Mrs Simkins-Smith: simkinsb@leweston.dorset.sch.uk and the Headmaster, Mr Paget-Tomlinson: head@leweston.dorset.sch.uk
We aim to resolve all issues at this level but if your query requires wider attention, it will be escalated through the Head of Year or Director of Boarding to the Senior Leadership Team. Throughout the school all parties work closely together to ensure best possible outcome.
Any formal complaint should be addressed directly to the Headmaster and parents are always welcome to email him on any matters that are of particular concern. The school’s full Concerns and Complaints Policy can be found on the Parent Portal.