1. FAQs
  2. Pastoral, Health and Wellbeing

Where and when do the pupils eat?

All meals are served in the Dining Hall. The catering team provide three hot meals a day plus snacks to day and boarding pupils.

Prep School pupils have a healthy snack at mid-morning break. Senior pupils can go to the tuck shop. Lunch consists of a two course cooked meal with an additional jacket potato/pasta bar, soup and salad options. There are hot and cold deserts. 

Pre-Prep pupils are served lunch by their teachers, from Prep 3 pupils go through the servery and make their own choices, observed by staff.

Prep pupils sit together with their class and teachers to create a 'family' dining experience. Senior pupils may choose their own seating. 

Pupils are expected to take their meals at mealtimes. It is not acceptable to skip a meal. If a senior pupil requires a late lunch, they must sign up and indicate their meal choice at morning registration. When a meal is finished pupils must clear the tables and leave chairs neatly tucked around them.

Tea is provided for those children staying after-school Monday to Thursday. 

All pupils are asked to bring a water bottle to ensure they drink throughout the day.

The weekly menu is emailed to parents. See a sample here.