Our Reception Class is led by Mrs Cheyne, supported by a full-time teaching assistant.
The children in Reception Class are provided with a rich and balanced curriculum, which is both practical and formal. For many this is the beginning of full-time attendance at school. The children learn to read, write, count, investigate, problem-solve and communicate effectively. Individuality is respected and encouraged through a programme that they enjoy, with opportunities for each child to gain confidence and shine. Art and Design, PE, games, drama, Forest School, French, Spanish, ICT, music and swimming are all part of the weekly timetable.
Continuing from Nursery, the Reception year follows the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The EYFS is built around three prime areas:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
This is combined with four specific areas:
- Literacy – Comprehension, Reading and Writing
- Mathematics – Number and Numerical Patterns
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Art and Design
All learning focuses on the development of key skills and interaction with real experiences. Activities are adapted and extended, to meet individual learning needs.
Further information about the EYFS in general can be found online at www.foundationyears.org.uk
In addition to this your child will have lessons with some of specialist teachers for the following subjects; PE, games, music, French and Spanish, Forest School, swimming and RE. The children will also use the school’s facilities more widely as they get older, with use of the Art and Design Centre Studio, Music School, Theatre and science laboratories.