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  2. Admissions

What is included in the tuition fees?

We work hard to include as much as possible within the tuition fees and to keep extras to a minimum.

Lunch, text books, compulsory trips and a wide range of activities are included in the fees. Some activities, however, are charged as ‘extras’. As a guide, termly extras can average £250. However, it is possible to limit extra charges to much lower amounts if you wish to. In charging extras, the guidance to teachers and others is that items or activities costing up to £20 can be added as an extra, but that prior parental agreement must be given to charges over £20. 

Below are examples of other activities or items that the school may charge as extras:

  • Art and Design Technology materials (non-standard only)
  • Home Economics ingredients
  • Careers courses, registration, university visits
  • Extra tuition including Music and Drama
  • Health Centre transport charges
  • House – hoodies and damages
  • Library photocopying, fines and replacement costs
  • Newspapers and magazines
  • Physiotherapy charges
  • Sports charges, lessons e.g. fencing
  • Stationery
  • Theatre trips (optional trips only are charged)
  • External examination fees

More information including this year's Fees Booklet is available on the Prep and Senior School Fees pages.