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How does the school House System work?

The Houses at Leweston encourages a sense of belonging within the school and provide the opportunity for pupils to work with those in other year groups.

All pupils belong to one of four Houses: in the Prep they are St Margaret's, St Francis, St Antony's and St Anne's. In the Senior School they are Campion, Fisher, Mayne and More. Each House has a colour and pupils will stay in the same 'colour' throughout the school, so for example a Prep pupil in St Francis will move into Campion. Siblings join the same Houses and, if a pupil has had a family member at the school previously they will, again, be in the same House. 

The Houses support the activities and charity programme organising competitions, games and fundraising events. They also ensure that the oldest pupils in the school know and care for the youngest.

Each House has a Sixth Form and Prep 6 House Captain who is responsible for coordinating events. They are supported by a staff member. All pupils are encouraged to be part of the school community learning to co-operate and form relationships with others.

Read 'An Introduction to the Houses' on our School Blog.